Patrick Hauser

Conseiller des Chefs de Projets


+41 79 277 99 44


Smartnet Conseil en Informatique – Sécurité – Expertise Virtualisation 

ICW Facilitators Facilitate, Coach, Training 

STK Management Systèmes d’Information Projet autour de Microsoft Project Renseignements, Dépannage rapide & Support technique

App ‘n’ Web Développement de sites internet



Every year I offer as a free download a utility to insert non-working days in Microsoft Project calendars.
We promise we don’t send spam

Details and Contact

Contact me to tell me about your project or your need.

Patrick Hauser

Patrick Hauser

Project manager’s adviser

 +41 277 99 44


Case postale 6219 – CH-1211 Genève 6

Patrick Hauser

Project manager’s adviser

Before becoming freelance, I gained a long experience in training. I thus acquired a strong sense of communication and pedagogy. As a self-taught person, I started working in 1981, so I have experienced the whole evolution of personal computers and learned to constantly update my knowledge.

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