Patrick Hauser

Conseiller des Chefs de Projets


+41 79 277 99 44

Advisor in your choice of techniques and tools suited to your projects and providing the appropriate training.

There are methodologies and techniques specific to project management.
They exist as computer tools.
I have synthesized them in order to create a proactive and easily usable tool.


I offer services tailored to your needs and projects, find out how I can help you move forward.

Audit and Guidance

With the main actors of your projects, I synthesize and formalize your company’s know-how to create practical tools that are easy to use.

Coaching and Assitsance

The coach is neutral, does not judge, and brings a fresh look, free of preconceived ideas, it is a precious help when looking for solutions.


Interactive and practical training on tools and methods most suitable for your projects. Master the tools that will make your life easier.

Presentation of Patrick Hauser

Since 1994, I have been a freelance consultant trainer specialized in project management.

I have acquired a broad practical experience, as my customers come from all walks of life, whether it is a project for sports competition, medical research, building, IT, watchmakers or humanitarian agencies.

Video and download

Interview by Isabelle Mayor

Interview by Digicomp

Interview by IdeaDetective


Article on : La gestion de projet évolue et devient encore plus agile !

Article in HR Today : La gestion de projet entre dans l’agilité et la création de valeur

Article in journal suisse d’horlogerie

Article in HR Today : Mise en œuvre d’une culture agile quelques principes à suivre


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Details and Contact

Contact me to tell me about your project or your need.

Patrick Hauser

Patrick Hauser

Project manager’s adviser

+41 79 277 99 44

Case postale 6219
1211 Genève 6

Patrick Hauser

Project manager’s adviser

Before becoming freelance, I gained a long experience in training. I thus acquired a strong sense of communication and pedagogy. As a self-taught person, I started working in 1981, so I have experienced the whole evolution of personal computers and learned to keep up with thr latest knowledge and inovation.

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